Dream Killer Part Seven: Living a Better Dream

In the chase to achieve our dreams, we face unbearable pressure to an unfulfilled end; that’s why we need Christ. He works to exchange our temporary dreams of life for an eternal dream of glory. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever experienced a time where something happened at “just the right moment” and “just the right way”? Share your story. How did you see God’s hand in that action?

Read: Genesis 46-50; Romans 8:18-30; Proverbs 16:9


1. Describe what “happily ever after” means to you. How do you see this mentality lived out in our culture? Do you think it’s merely wishful thinking, naïve optimism, or a faulty perspective? Why?

2. One would think that Joseph’s story ends with “happily ever after.” However, following the death of his father Jacob, his brothers bow before him one more time. How many times did they bow before him in the story? How did Joseph divert the attention from himself to God (Genesis 50:19)? How would you have reacted? How has God reshaped Joseph’s dreams from the beginning of the story?

3. How are our dreams an attempt to find “my place” in the world? How do you see this in our culture today? In what ways does this leave us with unbearable pressure? Have you ever experienced the “hamster wheel” by pursuing your dreams?

4. How does knowing that God is the hero of the story change the way you think about your own story? Why is it so hard to trust God with the details of your life?

5. Take a moment to read Romans 8:18-30. Describe the progression in Romans 8:29-30. How does God reshape our dreams to match His will? How does the Holy Spirit move us from merely asking God for support to surrendering to His plan? In what ways do you need to surrender your dreams to His plan?

Pray: Pray that you would willingly surrender as God reshapes your dreams to match His will; that in every dream and around every turn, He would remind you that His dream is so much greater than your dream for your life.

Memorize/Meditate: And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Dream Killer Part Six: The Dream Killing God

Dreams and aspirations can so often feel like a curse. We long for them to come true, but only seem to experience their death. However, along the way, we find that it’s actually God who is the “Dream-Killer.” He is the one who takes us through the process of pain, to leave us empty-handed and needy. Why?...to pry our hands away from earthly dreams that will never satisfy, so that we see Him alone, trust Him alone and obey Him alone. And it’s in that moment that we begin to live a greater dream. ~Pastor Dave

 Open: Have you ever had God prevent something in your life that you thought you needed, but now realize it would not have been the best for you? Share your story.
Read: Genesis 42-45; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:20-21


1. Just when it seemed that Joseph had moved on, his brothers come from Canaan to find food during the famine. How do you think Joseph felt? How did Joseph react to his brothers? Describe how Joseph seemed to vacillate between revenge and mercy? In what ways do you respond in unexpected moments? In seasons where we don’t completely understand what God is doing, how important is it for us to press pause on our emotions and potential reactions?
2. As you read Genesis 42-45, Joseph’s brothers don’t realize that Joseph is the one in charge. Over and over again, they reference their sin toward Joseph. List a few of those moments: How has God worked in Joseph’s brothers while he was in captivity?  
3. Define providence. How do we see God’s providence in the story of Joseph? How have you observed God’s providence in your own life? Share your story.
4. After Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, he declares “it was not you who sent me here, but God” (Genesis 45:8). How was God the “Dream Killer”? Why did God kill Joseph’s dream? How has God been the “Dream Killer” in your life? 
5. In Joseph’s story, we see the work of sanctification in Joseph’s life. Do you trust God’s process (sometimes painful) in your faith journey? God was preparing Joseph to accomplish His work. How is God currently preparing you for His purpose? Describe the process “empty me…fill me…use me”?
Pray: Pray that you would see the goodness of God in the dreams that He has set aside. Pray that you will humbly trust the process of preparation that God is using to guide into His grand purpose for your life. 
Memorize/Meditate: Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Dream Killer Part Five: Forget the Dream

Sometimes it feels like God is silent, distant and inactive, leaving what we see to collide with what we believe. When we walk through these confusing moments, how easy it is to resign ourselves to merely what we see. We set aside our dreams and our pain and settle for our experiences. But don’t push away the silent season!. Some of God’s greatest work happens in the darkest moments of our lives. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever set aside a dream because you were convinced it would never happen? Share your story.

Read: Genesis 41; Psalm 13; Mark 9:14-28; 2 Corinthians 4


1. The story of Joseph is filled with contrasts. Give examples of contrasts that you observe throughout the story. In what ways does your life feel like a series of contrasts?

2. Why is it so difficult sometimes to see how is God is working? How does what we see at times conflict with what God is doing in our lives? What hinders us from seeing what God is doing?

3. Joseph is finally released from prison after 13 years in order to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. Describe Pharaoh’s dreams. What was Joseph’s interpretation? Describe all that he received as a result of his assistance to Pharaoh. Joseph had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. What do their names mean? What does that tell us about Joseph’s thinking about his initial dreams and experiences?

4. How do we attempt to interpret God based upon our own experiences in life? Have you ever shelved a dream? Share your story. Did you replace your initial dreams for something else? Describe the result.

5. Immediately after Joseph relinquished his dreams, God sent His brothers. How do we give up on God’s work too soon? What are some ways we can gain a better perspective of God’s work in our lives?

Pray: Pray that you would surrender to God’s right to rule in your life and situation. Pray that you would have the eyes to see God working even when you can’t see.

Memorize/Meditate: How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? Psalms 13:1-2

Dream Killer Part Four: A Place Where Dreams Go to Die

We hate to wait. Seasons of waiting can leave us disappointed, discouraged, and even depressed. But waiting is an integral part of our relationship with Christ, because we know that God isn’t just working on a solution, He is working on us. If we are going to grow, we must realize that the path of spiritual maturity is pathed in the school of waiting. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever experienced an intense season of waiting? Share your story.

Read: Genesis 40; Isaiah 43; Luke 12:35-40; James 5:7-8; Hebrews 13


1. What makes waiting so difficult? In seasons of unexpected waiting, how do you naturally respond? How are waiting and disappointment connected? How does waiting become a prison where our dreams go to die?

2. Joseph had waited for nearly 15 years. He interprets two dreams and yet was forgotten in the end. Have you ever felt forgotten? Have you ever felt forgotten by God?

3. How easy would it have been for Joseph to be disappointed? Describe the progression between disappointment, discouragement, doubt, depression, and defeat. Have you ever experienced this cycle? Share your experience.

4. How can seasons of waiting be rich moments for spiritual growth? How have you seen this in your journey? How does the truth that God never forsakes us anchor your soul in seasons of disappointment, discouragement and doubt?

5. What did Joseph do while he waited? How does pressing forward faithfully help us to endure seasons of waiting? “Wait-lands are not Wastelands with God!” Give some examples of this truth in the Bible. How does waiting give us space to prepare for unexpected answers from God?

Pray: Pray that God would give you the strength to endure seasons of waiting and press forward faithfully and obediently.

Memorize/Meditate: Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer. Romans 12:12

Dream Killer Part Three: The Temptation of Fulfilled Dreams

Sometimes there is a deep connection between our life’s dreams and the temptations we experience. The longer a dream goes unfulfilled, the more tempting it is to take a shortcut. We live in a society that bombards us with bigger, better, and more…faster. However, when God’s glory is the centerpiece of our dream, the journey of integrity and faithfulness can be harder and last longer than we would ever expect. But the reward is far greater and more fulfilling. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever had a life’s dream come true? Share your story.

Read: Genesis 39; 1 Corinthians 10; Colossians 3:5; James 1:13-15


1. How do incremental successes fool us into thinking our dreams are coming true? Was there ever a time you thought a life’s dream was coming true only to have it die?

2. Five times in four verses, Moses mentions that God was with Joseph (Genesis 39:2-6). Describe the ways that God was with Joseph: What was the relationship like between Joseph and Potiphar?

3. It was right at the moment of Joseph’s greatest success that temptation rose. Describe Joseph’s temptation from Potiphar’s wife: How was this a “no-win” situation for Joseph? Has the pursuit of your life’s dreams ever caused you to fall into temptation? Why or why not? Do you agree with this statement, “There is a deep connection between our dreams and our temptations”? Why or why not?

4. What made Joseph flee temptation? Where does temptation come from (James 1:13-15)? Does God always give us a way to escape temptation? Give an example of this in your life. Have you ever had a plan in place to run from temptation?

5. Why do so many people attempt to take shortcuts to fulfill their dreams? How important is integrity and faithfulness in our pursuit of God? How has your faith journey taken you in directions you never would have expected? How does God’s faithfulness get us through in those seasons when we don’t know how it ends?

Pray: Pray that your pursuit of integrity and faithfulness toward God would be valued more than the mere fulfillment of your dreams.

Memorize/Meditate: No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Dream Killer Part Two: Dysfunctional Dreams

We naturally look to family as a means to fulfill our dreams. But for most, our experiences don’t match our expectations. Instead of helping us reach our dreams, family can seem to kill our dreams. But when we understand God’s greater dream for the family, it becomes a place that reflects God’s glory and serves our good. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: What dreams did you have or do you have about marriage and family? Has your experience matched your expectations?

Read: Genesis 37; Genesis 3; Ephesians 5:21-6:4; Colossians 3:17-24


1. In what ways do we look to the family as a place for our dreams to be fulfilled? What do these dreams reveal about our view of family? How does this compliment or contradict God’s purpose for family?

2. Describe the brokenness in Joseph’s family: Jacob’s story (Joseph’s father) reveals a complicated past. In what ways was Joseph born into a dysfunctional family? What does the multi-color robe tell us about Jacob’s view of his son Joseph and eleven brothers? How does generational dysfunction affect families today? How have you seen this in your own family?

3. What expectations did you have for family? How are unrealistic expectations displayed in unhealthy families? Do you agree with this statement or not, “expectations can be premeditated resentments”? How have you experienced healthy and unhealthy expectations in your family?

4. How does each character (Joseph, his father, and brothers) react to Joseph’s dream? Describe the progressive nature of Joseph’s brothers’ reaction: What reaction stands out to you most? Why does our family bring out our strongest reactions (especially regarding our hopes, dreams and aspirations)? How do you see this played out in your family?

5. What do you make of the fact that God is not mentioned in Genesis 37? Without Christ as the centerpiece, our families can turn our greatest dreams into our darkest nightmares. How does Christ change the way we view family relationships? In what way does family reveal our deepest need but also our greatest hope?

Pray: Pray that you would view your family, not as a means to fulfill your dreams, but as a place for God to grow your faith and make you more like Christ.

Memorize/Meditate: And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Colossians 3:17-20

Dream Killer Part One: The Dream Rises

We are all dreamers, pursuing what we think will satisfy our deep inner cravings. We are taught at an early age to “Find your dream!” “Chase your dream!” “Fulfill your dream!” But what happens when those dreams collide with reality? Or when it seems that our dreams die? The question isn’t whether we pursue our dreams, it’s do we pursue our dreams more than we pursue God. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever had a weird dream? Have you ever had a “dream” that you chased? Describe your experience with these types of dreams:

Read: Genesis 37, 50;


1 Timothy 2:22; Matthew 6:33 1. What dreams did you have about the future when you were in elementary school? High School? Did any of those dreams come true? Did any of those dreams die? What are you dreaming about currently? Describe how these dreams match what many call the “American Dream”:

2. Describe Joseph’s family journey: Moses, the author of Genesis, gave the story of Joseph the most attention. How does it act as a hinge-point between God’s promise to Abraham and the birth of God’s chosen nation?

3. Explain Joseph’s two dreams in Genesis 37: How do Joseph’s dreams differ from our dreams (divinely inspired dream vs. divinely impressed)? In what ways are they similar? How does our response to our “dreams” mirror Joseph’s response?

4. In what ways do we elevate Biblical characters out of the realm of the ordinary? In what ways do we do this with the story of Joseph? Over and over again it seems that Joseph’s dreams die. Explain a few of the ways we observe this throughout his story:

5. In Genesis 50:19-20, Joseph makes a monumental statement about his own standing before God in spite of his journey. How does the end of the story give us a different perspective of Joseph’s dreams from the beginning of his story? How have we viewed our “dreams” incorrectly? How does God become the centerpiece of Joseph’s dreams? In what ways is Christ our greater dream? Are there any dreams that you are pursuing more than God?

Pray: Pray that God would stand as the centerpiece of all that you dream, desire, and pursue in this life.

Memorize/Meditate: Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. Genesis 50:19-20

MINE: Part Two

God measures generosity based upon heart and sacrifice, not size or amount. When we give, God takes what might only have a small and temporary impact and multiplies it for the furtherance of His gospel and greatness of His glory. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Share a generosity story that you have experienced:

Read: Mark 12; Genesis 14; Malachi 3; 2 Corinthians 9


1. Studies have found that 65% of Americans are losing sleep over financial issues. 25% worry about money “all the time.” Why are so many people worried about their finances? Have you ever experienced a season wrought with worry over your finances? Describe that time: What was the result of that situation?

2. In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus and His disciples are watching people place money in the Temple’s offering receptacles. What do you make of this very public display of giving? What observations did they make about those who gave?

3. What are the differences between the gifts of the rich, who gave large sums of money, and the widow, who gave two copper coins? What was Jesus’ response? How does this response surprise you? How does this small example demonstrate the heart and sacrifice of generous living?

4. How much are we supposed to give? Do you agree with this statement or not: Rather than asking ‘What’s the minimum I should give?’ a better question to ask is, “What’s the maximum I should keep?” How would you rate your level of generosity?

5. Why is there a reluctancy to give to the church? Where were the tithes and offerings collected throughout Biblical history? What are the benefits of living generously?

Pray: Pray that the Lord would cultivate and/or expand your heart of generosity for the furtherance of His mission and the greatness of His glory.

Memorize/Meditate: Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him. Mark 12:17

MINE: Part One

Debt pursues what money promises: security and significance. But instead of bringing satisfaction, debt only leads us to an endless cycle of bondage and detours us from living generously and serving Christ faithfully. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever bought something that you regretted but could not return? Describe the situation:

Read: Luke 12; Leviticus 27:30; Proverbs 22:7; Ecclesiastes 5:10; Malachi 3; Matthew 6; 2 Corinthians 9


1. Matthew 6:21 says that our hearts are revealed by our treasure and our treasure reveals our heart. How have you seen this in your own life? How do you see this revealed in culture? What part has debt played in your journey? What do you make of the statistics that reveal that the vast majority of Americans live beyond their means?

2. What makes discussions on money and finances so uncomfortable? Why is it considered a taboo topic in the church? What do you make of the overwhelming number of Scripture references concerning money and giving in the Bible?

3. Describe the Old Testament concept of giving and the New Testament concept of giving: How is a “tithe” a good place to start in our giving? How were God’s people robbing God in Malachi 3? What does a life of generosity look like? How does Christ’s work on the cross give us a picture of God’s view on debt?

4. How does debt hinder our financial and spiritual growth? How do you see the pull of debt in society today? How does it bring a constant temptation for instant gratification and an entitlement mentality?

5. Describe the context of Luke 12: Why is the request from the brother (Luke 12:13) so interesting? Why did he ask Jesus this question? How does this reveal his heart? Jesus responds with a parable. How should an eternal perspective give us a different perspective on money and spending? What steps are you taking to overcome debt?

Pray: Pray that you would see more clearly that our money and possessions are a gift from God for His glory and Kingdom good, and not for our pursuits of security and significance. Pray that you would have the focus to spend less than you make and allow money to serve you as you serve God.

Memorize/Meditate: Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Luke 12:15


There is a deep connection between remembering and moving forward. Forgetting God’s past faithfulness is the greatest enemy of faith. When we forget what God has done, we stop believing what God will do. But the opposite is also true. When we only focus on the past, we can slowly move from mission to maintenance and movement to mediocrity with very little concern to what God is calling us to now. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever been in a situation where you found yourself coasting through life only to find that you were missing out on something greater? Explain:

Read: Amos 2-6; Genesis 12, 22; Joshua 4; Matthew 6:33


1. Describe the connection between remembering and moving forward: Can you give some Biblical examples that demonstrate the importance of remembrance? How is forgetting an enemy of faith?

2. Describe the context of Amos: What makes Amos such a unique prophet with a unique perspective? In what ways was Israel thriving? What are some of the dangers we can experience in successful, smooth seasons? Have you ever had seasons of success that were wonderful, yet difficult? Explain:

3. Have you ever experienced seasons of apathy, complacency, procrastination, or selfsabotage? How are these more prevalent following good seasons? In what ways do you see these displayed in churches?

4. In Amos 5:5, Amos uses three places to illustrate how they were looking to the past (Bethel, Gilgal, and Beersheba). What did these places mean to them? How do each of these places illustrate his point to look forward? What does it mean to “seek God and live”?

5. How do past experiences prepare us for future opportunities? Would you say you have a tendency to look backward or to move forward? What are some fresh and exciting things that God is doing in your life today?

Pray: Pray that you would remember and celebrate all that God has done in the past, but also move forward in faith to what God wants to do in and through your life now. Ask God to reveal any apathy, self-sufficiency, procrastination or destructive tendencies that are holding you back to His present work in your life.

Memorize/Meditate: Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; and so the Lord, the God of hosts, will be with you, as you have said. Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate…Amos 5:14-15