God measures generosity based upon heart and sacrifice, not size or amount. When we give, God takes what might only have a small and temporary impact and multiplies it for the furtherance of His gospel and greatness of His glory. ~ Pastor Dave
Open: Share a generosity story that you have experienced:
Read: Mark 12; Genesis 14; Malachi 3; 2 Corinthians 9
1. Studies have found that 65% of Americans are losing sleep over financial issues. 25% worry about money “all the time.” Why are so many people worried about their finances? Have you ever experienced a season wrought with worry over your finances? Describe that time: What was the result of that situation?
2. In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus and His disciples are watching people place money in the Temple’s offering receptacles. What do you make of this very public display of giving? What observations did they make about those who gave?
3. What are the differences between the gifts of the rich, who gave large sums of money, and the widow, who gave two copper coins? What was Jesus’ response? How does this response surprise you? How does this small example demonstrate the heart and sacrifice of generous living?
4. How much are we supposed to give? Do you agree with this statement or not: Rather than asking ‘What’s the minimum I should give?’ a better question to ask is, “What’s the maximum I should keep?” How would you rate your level of generosity?
5. Why is there a reluctancy to give to the church? Where were the tithes and offerings collected throughout Biblical history? What are the benefits of living generously?
Pray: Pray that the Lord would cultivate and/or expand your heart of generosity for the furtherance of His mission and the greatness of His glory.
Memorize/Meditate: Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him. Mark 12:17