Sometimes it feels like God is silent, distant and inactive, leaving what we see to collide with what we believe. When we walk through these confusing moments, how easy it is to resign ourselves to merely what we see. We set aside our dreams and our pain and settle for our experiences. But don’t push away the silent season!. Some of God’s greatest work happens in the darkest moments of our lives. ~ Pastor Dave
Open: Have you ever set aside a dream because you were convinced it would never happen? Share your story.
Read: Genesis 41; Psalm 13; Mark 9:14-28; 2 Corinthians 4
1. The story of Joseph is filled with contrasts. Give examples of contrasts that you observe throughout the story. In what ways does your life feel like a series of contrasts?
2. Why is it so difficult sometimes to see how is God is working? How does what we see at times conflict with what God is doing in our lives? What hinders us from seeing what God is doing?
3. Joseph is finally released from prison after 13 years in order to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. Describe Pharaoh’s dreams. What was Joseph’s interpretation? Describe all that he received as a result of his assistance to Pharaoh. Joseph had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. What do their names mean? What does that tell us about Joseph’s thinking about his initial dreams and experiences?
4. How do we attempt to interpret God based upon our own experiences in life? Have you ever shelved a dream? Share your story. Did you replace your initial dreams for something else? Describe the result.
5. Immediately after Joseph relinquished his dreams, God sent His brothers. How do we give up on God’s work too soon? What are some ways we can gain a better perspective of God’s work in our lives?
Pray: Pray that you would surrender to God’s right to rule in your life and situation. Pray that you would have the eyes to see God working even when you can’t see.
Memorize/Meditate: How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? Psalms 13:1-2