Debt pursues what money promises: security and significance. But instead of bringing satisfaction, debt only leads us to an endless cycle of bondage and detours us from living generously and serving Christ faithfully. ~ Pastor Dave
Open: Have you ever bought something that you regretted but could not return? Describe the situation:
Read: Luke 12; Leviticus 27:30; Proverbs 22:7; Ecclesiastes 5:10; Malachi 3; Matthew 6; 2 Corinthians 9
1. Matthew 6:21 says that our hearts are revealed by our treasure and our treasure reveals our heart. How have you seen this in your own life? How do you see this revealed in culture? What part has debt played in your journey? What do you make of the statistics that reveal that the vast majority of Americans live beyond their means?
2. What makes discussions on money and finances so uncomfortable? Why is it considered a taboo topic in the church? What do you make of the overwhelming number of Scripture references concerning money and giving in the Bible?
3. Describe the Old Testament concept of giving and the New Testament concept of giving: How is a “tithe” a good place to start in our giving? How were God’s people robbing God in Malachi 3? What does a life of generosity look like? How does Christ’s work on the cross give us a picture of God’s view on debt?
4. How does debt hinder our financial and spiritual growth? How do you see the pull of debt in society today? How does it bring a constant temptation for instant gratification and an entitlement mentality?
5. Describe the context of Luke 12: Why is the request from the brother (Luke 12:13) so interesting? Why did he ask Jesus this question? How does this reveal his heart? Jesus responds with a parable. How should an eternal perspective give us a different perspective on money and spending? What steps are you taking to overcome debt?
Pray: Pray that you would see more clearly that our money and possessions are a gift from God for His glory and Kingdom good, and not for our pursuits of security and significance. Pray that you would have the focus to spend less than you make and allow money to serve you as you serve God.
Memorize/Meditate: Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Luke 12:15