We naturally look to family as a means to fulfill our dreams. But for most, our experiences don’t match our expectations. Instead of helping us reach our dreams, family can seem to kill our dreams. But when we understand God’s greater dream for the family, it becomes a place that reflects God’s glory and serves our good. ~ Pastor Dave
Open: What dreams did you have or do you have about marriage and family? Has your experience matched your expectations?
Read: Genesis 37; Genesis 3; Ephesians 5:21-6:4; Colossians 3:17-24
1. In what ways do we look to the family as a place for our dreams to be fulfilled? What do these dreams reveal about our view of family? How does this compliment or contradict God’s purpose for family?
2. Describe the brokenness in Joseph’s family: Jacob’s story (Joseph’s father) reveals a complicated past. In what ways was Joseph born into a dysfunctional family? What does the multi-color robe tell us about Jacob’s view of his son Joseph and eleven brothers? How does generational dysfunction affect families today? How have you seen this in your own family?
3. What expectations did you have for family? How are unrealistic expectations displayed in unhealthy families? Do you agree with this statement or not, “expectations can be premeditated resentments”? How have you experienced healthy and unhealthy expectations in your family?
4. How does each character (Joseph, his father, and brothers) react to Joseph’s dream? Describe the progressive nature of Joseph’s brothers’ reaction: What reaction stands out to you most? Why does our family bring out our strongest reactions (especially regarding our hopes, dreams and aspirations)? How do you see this played out in your family?
5. What do you make of the fact that God is not mentioned in Genesis 37? Without Christ as the centerpiece, our families can turn our greatest dreams into our darkest nightmares. How does Christ change the way we view family relationships? In what way does family reveal our deepest need but also our greatest hope?
Pray: Pray that you would view your family, not as a means to fulfill your dreams, but as a place for God to grow your faith and make you more like Christ.
Memorize/Meditate: And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Colossians 3:17-20