We live in a society obsessed with tolerance, yet our culture is mostly intolerant. Tolerance, by definition, means that we show respect and dignity to people that we disagree with. This is what makes Christianity so unique; we can disagree with people and love them at the same time. We, of all people, should be the most tolerant as we reflect the gospel that beautifully balances truth and love. ~Pastor Dave
Open: Have you ever been in a situation where you disagreed with someone but still showed genuine love? Share your story. Have you ever had someone demonstrate intolerance toward you?
Read: Romans 12; Matthew 25:23; Luke 10:25-37; John 14; 1 Corinthians 13
1. How would you define tolerance? Over the past few decades, how has the definition of tolerance changed? To what do you attribute these changes? How is the current cultural definition of tolerance self-contradictory and logically incompatible? How have you observed this new definition expressed in our culture? Give some examples.
2. Give some examples of tolerance from the ministry of Jesus. Was Jesus ever intolerant? Share some examples from the gospels. When Jesus disagreed with someone, was He empty of love and honor? How does Christian tolerance delicately balance grace and truth?
3. In Romans 12, Paul instructs us to “let love be genuine; abhor what is evil; and hold fast to what is good.” Describe what it looks like to reflect these truths. What are some examples of things that we should hate? How is love demonstrated in both hating what is evil and holding fast to good? How can intolerance sometimes be loving and tolerance sometimes be hurtful? List some things that you have too easily tolerated.
4. God calls us to hate evil, while at the same time warning us against being agents of wrath. What does it look like to love people that we disagree with, while at the same time leave them in the hands of God’s judgment? Have you ever had to do this? Share the story.
5. Besides Christianity, there is no model of people in our world who hold unapologetically to truth and yet treat people with kindness and honor. Have you ever experienced a moment where godly tolerance or godly intolerance lead to gospel impact?
Pray: Pray that you would reflect the delicate balance of grace and truth. Pray that you would hate evil, hold fast to what is good, and love everyone with honor and kindness.
Memorize/Meditate: Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:9-10