In a time of intense isolation and astonishing closures, we must continually remind ourselves that in Christ we have access to the God who reigns overall. So, in those moments where isolation seems to fog your thinking, don’t pull away. Instead, press in with confidence, hold onto hope and stir each other toward mission. ~ Pastor Dave
Open: Have you ever had a question you wanted to ask but were afraid to? What is the question? Why are you hesitant to ask?
Read: Hebrews 10:19-25
1. What emotions have you experienced during this season of isolation and closure? What do you miss most? What, if any bad habits have you picked up during this season?
2. How can isolation cause faith to spiral? Do you see a rise in isolationism (a world not needing relationship and community)? How have previous distractions become the new normal? Have you seen any of these in your own life? Can you name some Biblical characters that experienced seasons of isolation?
3. What does it mean that we have access to enter the most holy place (Hebrews 10:19)? How did Jesus grant us access? In what ways are you—and are you not—taking advantage of the access you now have to draw near to God in this season? What are the ways you would want to draw near more?
4. How do seasons of isolation reveal the sincerity of our faith? What has this experience revealed about your faith? What are the tangible ways you sense that God may want you to grow in your commitment to the life of faith? What is the sin that entangles you most? What are you doing right now to deal with your sin?
5. What does it look like to hold onto hope? How does your “hope source” determine your stability? What does it mean to “stir up” (irritate) one another to love and good works?” Who are the people in your life that you’re stirring toward mission?
Pray: Pray that in this season you would not drift. Pray that you would enjoy the access you have with God. That your confidence in Christ would grow, your faith would flourish, and that God would give you more opportunities to live on mission.
Memorize/Meditate: Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23