Vision Forward

How do we define a healthy church? Attendance numbers? Annual budget? Media coverage? Slick marketing techniques? Dynamic worship setting? No. While none of these things are wrong, a church that only focuses on these will slowly move from a movement of God to a museum of self. A truly healthy church has been so transformed by the gospel that their vision, attitudes, and priorities will do anything possible to reflect the gospel to a dying world. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever been a part of something (family, workplace, church, small group, friend group) that you would describe as healthy? What characteristics qualified it as healthy?

Read: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10; Acts 16-18


1. Describe the lifecycle of churches (message – movement – museum – morgue). What do you think attributes to this cycle in churches? Have you ever observed this cycle in a church? Describe the story:

2. Describe the city of Thessalonica. What made Paul go there (Acts 17-18)? How long did Paul stay there? God birthed the church of Thessalonica through Paul as a result of a clear vision. While different, how important is it for a church to have a clear vision for gospel impact? What church or Christian had the vision to share the gospel with you?

3. Paul describes all the ways that the Christians of Thessalonica were transformed by the gospel (they turned from idols, were joyful in affliction, and anticipated the return of Christ). What changed about you when you were transformed by the gospel?

4. The gospel came to the Thessalonians with words and power (1:5). This reminds us how gospel proclamation and gospel demonstration are equally important to gospel impact. Why are they both important? What happens when there is proclamation without demonstration? What happens when there is demonstration without proclamation?

5. What does Paul specifically commend them for in 1:8? How is the “word of the Lord” echoing from Crossroads? How about from you personally? How does a life of faith demonstrate the gospel to a world without the gospel?

Pray: Pray that our church will continue to grow in gospel impact throughout our region for the glory of Christ.

Memorize/Meditate: For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything. 1 Thessalonians 1:8