We Are the Church

Throughout history God has used seasons of adversity as catalysts for Kingdom expansion. As we look at a world of unknown viruses, horrific injustice, and mass confusion, could God be preparing His church for greater gospel impact? To bring light into darkness, peace into fear, comfort into unrest, unity into division, and the good news of life in a world of death. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever experienced a season that started out one way but ended in another? Share your story.

Read: Acts 1-2; 7-8


1. What would you consider to be the worst moment of your life? Personally, what has been the most difficult part of this unexpected season of coronavirus? How has this crisis affected your faith?

2. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the church is that God’s people gather together. Describe the events in Acts 7 and 8 that caused the church to scatter:

3. While Saul was wreaking havoc on the church, Christians continued to proclaim the gospel. How did God use adversity as a catalyst to further the gospel? How was this the continuation of Jesus’ command in Acts 1:8?

4. What do you make the of the fact that Acts 8:1, 4 describes that the gospel was spreading through ordinary people (8:1 – “except the apostles”)? How has God placed you strategically at this time to share the good news of the gospel? Do you think people are more receptive to the gospel at this moment in time? Why or why not?

5. Acts 8:5-7 describes the work of man named Philip, who went to the city of Samaria to proclaim Christ. Describe the relationship between the Jews and the Samaritans? What were some things that God did through Philip to cause the Samaritans to be receptive? How are we called to proclaim Christ with both “words” and “deeds”?

6. Acts 8:8 concludes that there was “much joy” in the city. How does the church’s presence bring joy to the city? Do you find this true of Crossroads presence in our region? Why or why not?

Pray: Pray that in a season of adversity you would have the eyes to see the gospel opportunities before you.

 Memorize/Meditate: Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word…So there was much joy in that city. Acts 8:4,8