Marriage ultimately serves as a portrait of the real marriage between Christ and the Church. The magnificence of this analogy is that it presents both the completed and continuing work of Christ for us. With Christ, our marriage becomes a place of permanent surrender of our self-centeredness so that He is beautifully reflected and fervently shown. - Pastor Dave
Open: Describe the funniest or most awkward family photo you have ever taken: What about it makes it so unique?
Read: Ephesians 5; Genesis 1:26-2:25; Genesis 3; Mark 12:18-25
1. How have you observed the erosion of marriage in our society? How have you been personally affected by this? Why do you think the picture of marriage is fading in our culture?
2. Paul reveals a great marriage mystery in Ephesians 5. What is the mystery? How should this mystery enhance our view of marriage? How does marriage reflect God’s work in creation? How do a husband’s love and a wife’s submission reflect the gospel message? How does Paul demonstrate in each statement that Christ is the focus of marriage?
3. What makes “leaving” and “cleaving” so difficult in marriage? What areas of your marriage have been the most difficult? How is marriage ground-zero for our spiritual development and sin issues in our lives? In what ways does marriage expose our self-centeredness?
4. How does marriage reflect our future completeness in Christ? In what ways do we humanly idolize marriage? How is the value of marriage important for those who aren’t yet married?
5. How does marriage paint a clear picture of the gospel to the world? What are some areas in your marriage where you need to better reflect Christ?
Pray: Married Couples: Pray that you would surrender any self-centeredness and reflect the gospel in your marriage.
Singles: Pray that you would honor marriage rightly so that you will reflect Christ faithfully in your singleness.
Memorize/Meditate: Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. Ephesians 5:31-32