Habakkuk: Where to Run When Things Go Wrong

In our spiritual journey, we all face seasons of waiting, times where it seems as if God is distant and withdrawn. The question isn’t will we wait; it’s will we wait passively or purposefully. In moments of waiting, God isn’t just working on a solution for us, He is working in us, to realign our focus and reinforce our faith. - Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever been in season of waiting? Describe the situation: What was the result?

Read: Habakkuk 2:1-3; Job 14:14; Psalm 27:14; 40:1-2; Isaiah 40; 2 Corinthians 4


1. Do you agree with this statement, “Silence doesn’t mean absence”? Why is silence from God so difficult? What makes seasons of waiting so difficult? While we know God hears our prayers, why do you think He sometimes calls us to wait for the answers? How is waiting connected to trust?

2. In spite of Habakkuk’s distress, what does each phrase in 2:1 indicate about Habakkuk’s attitude and expectations? Describe the function of the watchtower: How does stopping and withdrawing help us to refocus our feelings and realign our faith?

3. What does the statement at the end of 2:1, “what I will answer concerning my complaint,” mean? How is Habakkuk expecting God to correct him? What are the differences between passively waiting and purposefully waiting? Describe each of them:

4. God encourages Habakkuk to write down the vision (2:2). How does anchoring our souls in God’s character and promises help us endure seasons of waiting? Can you give some examples of Biblical characters who had to wait?

5. Everything has an appointed time (2:3). How does knowing that our season of waiting has an appointed time of completion call us to live confidently and faithfully in moments of pain? Describe this statement, “God’s delays are not God’s denials.”

Pray: Pray that you would learn to wait on God’s work to be accomplished in you even when you want Him to fix a situation for you.

Memorize/Meditate: Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! Psalm 27:14