Legacy: How to Stand in the Last Days

The world says that the answer to society’s problems is to love ourselves more. But what the world offers as salvation, the Bible describes as the problem. Loving self will never bring life-changing, paradigm-shifting, and gospel-penetrating power. Only Christ can stir our affetions and strengthen our confidence to live faithfully in these last days. ~ Pastor Dave

Open: Have you ever been warned about something that changed the way you acted?

Read: Explain: 2 Timothy 3:1-9; Exodus 7-8; Matthew 24-25


1. Why do you think people are so enamored with the end times? How do you see this infatuation in current pop culture? Describe the interaction between Jesus and the disciples in Matthew 24. Jesus says there will be “many signs”. Can you describe a few of these signs? What makes the last days “difficult”?

2. The picture that Paul paints of the last days in Matthew 24:2-5 bears a striking resemblance to what we see in our own day. What are some ways that you see this mindset promoted in our society, in others AND in yourself? How does this list describe the three main philosophies of the world (humanism, materialism, and hedonism)? How is the focus on “self” actually hindering any real change?

3. What would you consider false teachings in our day? How are these false teachings holding people captive and stirring sinful passions? How have you experienced these teachings personally?

4. Describe the context of Jannes and Jambres (Exodus 7-8): How can success turn out to be false? What does it mean to be “always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7)”? Where is the ultimate truth found?

5. How does the promise of Christ’s return give us confidence in a difficult world? Describe the difference between “misdirected love” (self) and “focused love” (God). How should Paul’s warnings stir our affections for God?

Pray: Pray that in a world growing more and more dim, you will have the strength to keep your affections set on Christ’s purpose and your confidence in Christ’s coming.

Memorize/Meditate: But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 Timothy 3:1