The most important part of a story is the ending. No one reads a book to get to the middle. Without a strong ending, the value of our lives is cheapened and the potential of our influence is diminished. Whether this season is good or bad, we must patiently live with the end in view. God calls us to finish well.- Pastor Dave
Open: Describe a time that you had a difficult season of waiting: What made it so difficult? What was the outcome?
Read: James 5:1-12; Luke 18:18-30; Deuteronomy 24:14-15 1.
1. The gospel message isn’t Christ’s death and resurrection alone; it also includes the fact that He is coming again. How should this truth encourage our faith? Why do most Christians disconnect from Christ’s second coming? How should the coming of Christ aid us in times of suffering and difficulty?
2. What makes waiting so difficult? In what ways are Americans impatient? James addresses money and riches in a passage focused on Christ’s coming. How are money and possessions used in seasons of waiting? Why does James come down so hard on money and possessions? Is it wrong to have money and possessions? Explain.
3. In what ways do you see hoarding and self-indulgence in our culture today? In what ways do you see oppression as a form of security in our world today? Have you ever had moments where you “hoarded” or indulged in an unhealthy way? In what ways do we subtly oppress people through our possessions? How can “security” in possessions actually corrode and corrupt our faith?
4. How can waiting turn into irritable grumbling? In what ways have you grumbled in seasons of your spiritual journey? One author said, “We are a generation of grumblers.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?
5. James uses the example of farmers and prophets to describe our call to live patiently. How do farmers and prophets demonstrate waiting? How should our knowledge of Christ’s coming cause us to live patiently and expectantly? Pray that you would patiently endure difficulty.
Pray: Pray that your eyes would be on the glory of God’s plan and that your security would be set in Christ.
Memorize/Meditate: You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door. James 5:8-9