Reluctant Followers: A Christian's Response to a Culture of Corruption

From the most prominent to the most downtrodden, corruption can be found in every corner of culture. How can we as Christians live effectively in a culture of corruption? Only by grounding our worldview on wisdom that is centered on God’s purpose and glory. -Pastor Dave

Open: Describe a time you needed wisdom: What was the outcome?

Read: James 3; Deuteronomy 4:6; Psalm 11:3; Proverbs 3:13-18; 4:5-8; Colossians 2:2-4


1. Describe some of the issues that the early church faced: Make a list of the issues facing the church in our day: How do you see a culture of corruption in our world today? What makes Christianity so difficult to live in our world today? How does this relate to the audience James is writing to?

2. Define Biblical wisdom: How is wisdom an anecdote to live godly in a culture of corruption? What are the differences between knowledge and wisdom?

3. Define the term “worldview”: How is our worldview shaped by what we believe about origins and destiny? How does wisdom give life to our “worldview”?

4. Describe “worldly” wisdom: What does it mean that worldly wisdom is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic? How do you see worldly wisdom lived out today? How does jealousy and selfish ambition exude from worldly wisdom?

5. What does godly wisdom produce in our lives? Which of the characteristics listed in vs. 17 are the most difficult to live? How do these characteristics help us live differently in a culture of corruption? James ends this section with a parable (vs. 18). Describe the point of this parable: What are the areas of your life where you need godly wisdom?

Pray: Pray that your worldview would reflect God’s wisdom.

 Memorize/Meditate: Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. James 3:13