The 7 Final Sayings of Jesus: I Thirst

Two simple words describe the intensity of the cross, “I Thirst!” The One who made the expanse of the oceans and intricacies of the rivers…the One who causes the rain to fall from heaven, Who calmed the fiercest seas, the Water of Life…was dying of thirst. But it wasn’t merely a desperate request to meet a physical need; it was a distinct reminder that the promises of God can satisfy our thirsty soul. 

Open: Have you ever said the phrase “I’m dying of thirst”? Describe the context of this statement.

Read: John 19; Psalm 22; 69; Exodus 17:1-7; John 4:4-15; 7:37-44


1. Do you believe that we are a thirsty culture? Describe what makes us thirsty.

2. How does Jesus’ statement on the cross, “I thirst!” demonstrate the reality of His human suffering? He was offered drink twice during the crucifixion. Why does He reject the first time but take a drink the second time? How does this prove that He was showing us an example? The first heresy after Christ ascended was focused on His humanity and divinity. Explain: How does this moment validate His humanity?

3. This is the first example of Jesus crying out over human pain on the cross. Why did Jesus say these words? How do these words fulfill Scripture? How did Jesus get His power to endure through the promises of God? Do you believe we have a deficiency of the Bible in our day? Why or why not? How do the promises of God help us to endure?

4. List some passages where images of water represent God. How does this theme express the reality of our thirst? Describe “empty souls,” “parched souls,” and “satisfied souls”. In what category would you place yourself? Why? In what ways does Christ satisfy our thirst?

PrayPray that you would find satisfaction in the work of Christ in your life and that you would resist the temptation to quench the thirst of your soul in anything else.

Memorize/Meditate: On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” John 7:37-38 O