If we understand that Christ has surpassed our expectations by saving us, then we can live with the expectancy that the gospel of Christ will be effective as we share it. As stewards of the gospel, God calls us to be more than bystanders of His great work; He calls us to be active participants who proclaim freedom to captive people. - Pastor Dave
Open: Describe a time you had a sense of expectancy and urgency about something:
Read: Acts 16; Philippians 1; Matthew 9:35-38; 28:16-20
1. Describe the difference between expectations and expectancy: In what ways do we steward people as a project, instead of a ministry? How have you seen poor expectations lead to entitlement and cynicism in Christianity? What hinders our expectancy that people will come to Christ?
2. Describe the three conversations Paul has in Philippi: What is unique about each person? What do you make of the difference between the socio-economic, racial, and gender differences? What does this tell us about the scope of the gospel? In what ways do these things limit us in our view of the gospel?
3. How does Paul’s response to each of the characters in Acts 16 demonstrate the uniqueness of gospel conversations with different people? Describe the types of people you have attempted to have gospel conversations with: In what ways were the conversations difficult? How did these experiences stretch your faith? What fears do you have about sharing your faith?
4. Why do so many Christians lack a sense of urgency in regards to the eternity of people? How do the characters in Acts 16 become part of gospel multiplication in the city of Philippi?
5. Matthew 9 says that when Jesus saw the crowds He had compassion on them. What was it about them that grabbed His attention and compassion? How are we part of the solution to Christ’s call? How do you see the “fields” of our community ripe for harvest?
Pray: Pray for one person that you can share the gospel with this year. Pray for wisdom and boldness in your call to gospel stewardship.
Memorize/Meditate: Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Matthew 9:37-38