The more we understand the consistency of God’s character, the more we are consistently overwhelmed by joy regardless of our circumstances. - Pastor Dave
Open: Describe a time you were angry: Have you ever been angry with God? Explain:
Read: Jonah 4; Exodus 32-34
1. If the story of Jonah was about Nineveh it would have ended at Chapter 3. What makes Chapter 4 so confusing and awkward? What do you make of Jonah’s reaction to the repentance of Nineveh and the mercy of God? How has this story been more about Jonah than Nineveh?
2. It says that Jonah was “displeased” with God. What does “displeased” actually mean? Why is Jonah angry? What about God’s character makes Jonah angry? What are our default responses to emotional moments? Are you a type of person who denies, hides or reveals your emotions? What does Jonah do?
3. How is prayer a great way to deal with our emotions? God doesn’t fault Jonah for his feelings. Notice the terms connected to “I” (“I said”; “I fled”; “I knew”; “Take my life”). What does this tell us about Jonah’s thoughts concerning God’s character?
4. The beautiful phrase “You are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love…” shows up as a type of creed for His people. Describe the circumstances in Exodus 32-34 that give us God’s description of Himself with these terms: How can we know God’s character, but not submit to God’s character in moments of frustration?
5. God responds with a simple yet profound question. Where are the areas of your life right now that could leave you questioning God’s character? How are our responses a reflection of our hearts?
Pray: Pray that you would embrace God’s faithful, consistent character even at times you might not understand what He is doing.
Memorize/Meditate: The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Psalm 103:8