God is so committed to connecting His purpose to our lives that He graciously uses storms to keep us focused on His call. These storms have a way of revealing where our confidence actually lies. So much so that God is committed to destroying every ship that would take me away from Him. - Pastor Dave
Open: Have you ever felt like running away from home or actually did run away from home? Why or Why not? Describe the details:
Read: Jonah 1; Proverbs 3:11-12
1. Is it true that God knows us better than we know ourselves? How have you seen this in your own life? Is it equally true that God knows how to reach us at just the right moment? In what ways have you observed this truth in your life?
2. How does verse 4 begin a shift of Divine interruptions? What does this tell us about God’s plan to get our attention? Has God ever used Divine interruptions to get your attention? Describe some of these:
3. What did God use to get Jonah’s attention? In what ways does it seem that God intentionally interrupts areas that we put our confidence in? Describe the power of the storm in Jonah 1?
3. Describe the contrast between the reactions of the sailors and Jonah: How do our choices affect those around us? Why is it that people who run from God are often the last to make the connection that God is the one trying to get their attention? How do we naturally respond to these storms through logical solutions?
4. How could Jonah be asleep during this great storm? What does this tell us about Jonah’s disobedience? Who has God used in your life to wake you up when you are running from God? How is this entire story a picture of God’s grace? Describe E+R=O (Events + Responses = Outcomes):
Pray: Pray that you would see the storms of your life as opportunities to respond to God’s call of obedience.
Memorize/Meditate: My son, do not despise the Lord 's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:11-12